More than 20 years of Experience.

Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego Argentina - Sudamérica

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Industrial activity has deeply evolved in the last years, both in terms of productivity and environmental impact management. ISO 14000 standards restricted as well as opened opportunities to various markets; they resulted from non-compulsory private efforts by different manufacturers.
Today, we are aware of the need to minimize your environmental footprint and provide you with the safest and most efficient alternative to care not only for legal aspects, but also for a valuable asset: YOUR BRAND.
  • Collection and treatment of hazardous waste
  • Isopropyl alcohol, paints, lubricants, adhesives, inks, low-consumption lamps, contaminated solids, greases, purge of compressed air systems.
  • Collection and treatment of industrial waste, cardboard, Styrofoam, packaging, pallets, obsolete equipment/lings.
  • Forklift batteries, standard batteries, cells, toner, electronic waste.
  • Scrap destruction.
  • Collection and treatment of tin lags, empty containers of solder paste.
  • Provision of absorbing material and its later treatment.
  • Service/waste management analytics.
  • Manuals, finished product packaging.

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Our clients

Gas del Sur Electro Fueguina Newsan Celentano Toyota