More than 20 years of Experience.

Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego Argentina - Sudamérica

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To preserve the resource enabling economic activities either in tourism, fishing or cargo transportation. Special attention should be paid to the destination of the various types of waste resulting from a vessel's operation.
Oriented to the reception and treatment of fluid and solid waste from vessels operating in the ports of Tierra del Fuego. 
Surely you will find below the service best suited to your needs.
  • Collection and treatment of bilge water, water and hydrocarbon emulsions, slop, sludge, black water, grey water, ballet water with exogenous biological load.
  • Collection and treatment of hazardous waste, oil rags, hydrocarbon contaminated solids, chemicals, inks, paints, empty toner cartridges, contaminated containers, plumb/acid accumulators, gel batteries, cells and electronic waste.
  • Collection and destruction of secret/confidential documents, goods seized by Customs authorities.
  • Control and containment of spills on board and on the pier.
  • Provision of absorbing material and its later treatment.

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Our clients

Electro Fueguina Celentano Newsan Toyota Gas del Sur