More than 20 years of Experience.

Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego Argentina - Sudamérica

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Being terminals where vehicles and machinery operate, the Airports of Ushuaia and Rio Grande produce waste that, improperly managed, may harm the environment as well as escalate the fire risk by accumulation, given that this waste significantly alter the fire load of the site.
There may also happen accidental spills of aircraft hydrocarbon, therefore compromising the soil, facilities and airport activities.
Intended for the collection and treatment of waste produced by aeronautical activities in Ushuaia and Rio Grande airports.
Below, a list of our services to become trusted partners for your operations.
  • Seizures by Customs (collection and destruction).
  • Collection and treatment of polluted fuels, fuels non-compliant with air terminal standards.
  • Dangerous waste, solids, filters, maintenance supplies, paints and containers.
  • Collection and treatment of used lubricants.
  • Collection and treatment of accumulators, batteries and cells.
  • Provision of absorbing material to contain spills and its later treatment.
  • Emptying, reduction of hydrocarbon collection chambers, mud catcher.

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Gas del Sur Celentano Newsan Electro Fueguina Toyota