More than 20 years of Experience.

Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego Argentina - Sudamérica

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Restaurants / Hotels

Restaurants / Hotels
An urban waste particularly harmful for the environment is the vegetable oil commonly used in households, coffee shops and restaurants, obtained from soybean, sunflower or olives.
These oils' waste are one of the main causes of pollution of urban effluents, when poured through the drainage to the sewage network.
This action harms the environment and increases the costs of purification of water bodies.
Sanatorium conducts a comprehensive service management: collection and transportation of oil, delivery of approved containers, development of documentation and submittal to the enforcement authority. Final disposal certification.
  • Bars.
  • Restaurants.
  • Community centers.

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Gas del Sur Celentano Toyota Electro Fueguina Newsan